FBG - Food and Beverage Group
FBG stands for Food and Beverage Group
Here you will find, what does FBG stand for in Food and Beverages under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Food and Beverage Group? Food and Beverage Group can be abbreviated as FBG What does FBG stand for? FBG stands for Food and Beverage Group. What does Food and Beverage Group mean?The Turkey based company is located in I?stanbul, Istanbul engaged in food & beverages industry.
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Alternative definitions of FBG
- Finnish Border Guard
- Fringe Benefit Group
- Fallon Benefits Group
- First Bank of Georgia
- Future Bright Group
- The Fruit Box Group
- From the Bench Games
- Franklin Bowles Galleries
View 41 other definitions of FBG on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- FLMM Fairway Lincoln Mercury Mazda
- FII Fitts Industries Inc
- FMGL Federal Mogul Goetze Ltd
- FRS Fairchild Resiliency Systems
- FIC Founder Institute Chile
- FACTF Foster Angels of Central Texas Foundation
- FCI Fortify Communications Inc.
- FD The Financial Diet
- FSRG Four Seasons Ramesh Gallery
- FI The Forgotten International
- FDL Frank Design Ltd
- FSR Fit Specialist Recruitment
- FDP Flavour Design Poland
- FMHP Four Mile Historic Park
- FCS Fulbright Commission Sweden
- FMPL Focal Merchandising Private Limited
- FMW FM at Work
- FMC Foundry Mortgage Capital
- FFI Fox Fabrics Inc.
- FSAI Five Star Accounting Inc.